Real Deals Value Creation Forum

11 November 2025 | Cavendish House, One America Square, London

Closing the gap: unlocking private equity's value creation potential  

Real Deals is delighted to announce its seventh annual Value Creation Forum taking place in November 2025 in London.

Join us for a fascinating day of insights and innovation as we delve into the dynamic world of value creation. Discover the keys to unlocking private equity's unparalleled value creation potential, where industry titans converge to explore ground-breaking strategies, navigate evolving market landscapes, and harness the transformative power of operational efficiency and ESG integration.

Get ready to revolutionise your approach, forge invaluable connections, and elevate your PE game to new heights at our exclusive one-day forum.

Discussion points

Discussion points

  • Adapting to economic changes: gain strategic insights and find high-value opportunities
  • Digital transformation and AI: enhance portfolio performance with cutting-edge tech
  • Buy-and-build strategies: master roll-up tactics for scalable value
  • Operational value creation: optimise operations for maximum returns
  • Revolutionising talent management: attract and develop top-tier leadership
  • ESG integration: enhance portfolio value with sustainable practices
Why attend?

Why attend?

  • Learn about the latest value creation trends from more than 40 of the most influential industry speakers
  • Compare your value creation strategies with likeminded private equity professionals, fund managers and operating partners
  • Network with leading experts to understand their focus, helping you adjust your strategies to keep pace with the latest tech innovations
Who attends?

Who attends?

The Real Deals Value Creation Forum provides a platform for leading experts to share insights, discuss strategies and examine upcoming trends. The event will bring together key figures who are making value creation a firm priority. From operating partners and portfolio management teams to senior management looking to refine value creation strategies and ready their portfolio for an exciting future.

Contact us about sponsorship

Get in touch to discuss sponsorship options that work for you and your business objectives, and get in front of the most influential firms in European private equity.